Develop Outbound Sales Effortlessly With Premium Cold Calling & Emailing:

The Cold Outreach Subscription™ For Nimble B2B Agencies & Service Businesses

Eliminate the Grunt Work, Rejection, and First Contact Struggle of Cold Outreach Entirely.
Get Booked Meetings With Interested Prospects You've Never Talked To Before.
All in a Flexible Monthly Subscription You Can Cancel Anytime.

“$100M Revenue... new client relationship... Highly recommended.”

Jolean Olson headshot

Jolean Olson

Scenic Road

“Won the first project with a new partnership."

Ratha Nou headshot

Ratha Nou

Stablished Projects

“Knows how to get quality companies on your calendar.”

Derrick Lorah headshot

Derrick Lorah

Flagship Visuals

“A complete package for any outbound needs... For anyone...”

Jon Kelly headshot

Jon Kelly

Digital Native

Meet Our Cold Outreach Studio

Alight Kinship Offers Premium Cold Outreach Services Customized For Your Business at Around 60% of the Cost of a Single SDR. Our Outbound Prospecting System Has Catalyzed Multiple High-Ticket Deals & Sales Conversations With SMBs To F-500s in 23 Industries.

Our 3-Pillar Solution:
Human-Driven + AI-Powered Cold Outreach

Laptop with mouse

1 - Untapped Prospect Lists

As Clay and power users, we build your prospect lists with 25+ B2B data providers, giving you access to untapped decision-makers who are an ideal fit to be your next high-ticket client.

Ideal Client Clones

We laser-target replica businesses of your best clients who bought your services in the past 18-36 months to provide a low-risk strategy and quick wins.

Waterfall Enrichment

Clay enables us to source and verify business emails & mobile #s from 25+ B2B databases and get your message seen and heard by "unreachable" prospects.

Laptop with mouse

2 - Market-Fit Messaging

Using battle-tested copy frameworks, positioning & messaging exercises, and research of your ICP's pains, desires, and obstacles—we'll craft potent phone & email copy to reach message-market fit and spark interest in your services.

Situational Context™

Your untapped prospects will be in similar situations your past buyers were in when they bought your services—we use this context to show why we're reaching out and the relevant value you deliver.

AI-Powered Insights

Clay enables us to find custom insights, signals, and events about the people and accounts we contact so your message is both relevant AND personalized to each decision-maker.

Laptop with mouse

3 - Premium Cold Calling & Emailing

Combining cold calling & cold emailing with trigger-based automation and AI-powered outbound plays, you'll talk with interested prospects, boost your outbound sales pipeline, and activate your untapped target market—effortlessly.

Booked Meetings

We'll eliminate the first contact struggle for you entirely and book meetings on your calendar—this way, you can focus on winning deals—not OPENING conversations.

Intent Development

Cold calls allow us to hear valuable info and gauge intrigue, interest, and intent to change—this way, prospects not booked can be activated, qualified, and nurtured.

Our Flexible Monthly Plan:
The Cold Outreach Subscription™


"What does Month 1 of The Cold Outreach Subscription™ look like?"

In Month 1, we will set a solid foundation to build new client relationships for your business for many months ahead.


Upon processing your Month 1 retainer, you will enter into our convenient Onboarding. 

You will receive a welcome email containing:
• A link to your private Telegram support chat
• A link to fill out your 14-Point GTM Questionnaire
• A link to schedule your 60-minute GTM Kickoff Call
The 14-Point GTM Questionnaire should take 30 minutes to complete. 

On the GTM Kickoff Call, we’ll discuss your Questionnaire to emerge valuable insights around your ideal prospects, your offer, and value propositions.

This will empower us to build your Untapped Prospect Lists and write Market-Fit Messaging that resonates with the decision-makers we’ll be contacting for you.

Time needed from you in Week 1: 90 minutes to 2 hours max

Other tasks by Alight Kinship in Week 1
• Multi-Inbox Cold Email System: Buildout completed & 14-day warmup started
• Untapped Prospect List: First 500 contacts buildout completed
• Version 1 Phone Script: Copy completed


By Week 2, you will have reviewed and approved your Version 1 Phone Script.

We will begin cold calling the first 500 contacts on your Untapped Prospect list.

Our Week 2 goal:
1. Start conversations
2. Book meetings with interested prospects
3. Activate interested prospects not ready to meet for lead nurturing

We approach cold outreach as a game of revenue growth and bold action.

As we have real-time conversations in Week 2, we will gain an understanding of the fine-tuning required to reach message-market fit.

Time needed from you in Week 2: None (except meetings & lead follow-ups)

Other tasks by Alight Kinship in Week 2:
• Untapped Prospect List: Ongoing weekly buildout (1k-2k monthly)
• Version 1 Email Copy: Completed
• Dedicated CRM: Access Granted


By Week 3, you will have reviewed and approved your Version 1 Email Copy.

The 14-day warmup of your Multi-Inbox Cold Email System will be completed.

We will now launch your cold email campaigns (with AI-powered personalization) to your Untapped Prospect List alongside continued cold calling.

Our Week 3 goal:
Start conversations
2. Book meetings with interested prospects
3. Activate interested prospects not ready to meet for lead nurturing
4. Ensure persistent follow-up with interested prospects not ready to meet
5. Complete Version 2 Phone & Email Copy for A/B testing

We will continue to receive valuable feedback and gauge intrigue, interest, and intent to change in real-time cold call conversations.

In addition, we will observe the initial responses to your newly launched cold email campaigns.

All of this in Week 3, will further understand the fine-tuning required to reach message-market fit.

Time needed from you in Week 3: None (except meetings & lead follow-ups)

Other tasks by Alight Kinship in Week 3:
• Untapped Prospect List: Ongoing weekly buildout (1k-2k monthly)
• Version 2 Phone & Email Copy: A/B Test Copy Completed


By Week 4, everything will be focused on perpetual improvement and management of The Cold Outreach Subscription™.

Our Week 4 goal:
Start conversations
2. Book meetings with interested prospects
3. Activate interested prospects not ready to meet for lead nurturing
4. Ensure persistent follow-up with interested prospects not ready to meet
5. Ongoing Untapped Prospect List Refueling & Copy A/B testing

Time needed from you in Week 4: None (except meetings & lead follow-ups)

Other tasks by Alight Kinship in Week 4:
• Untapped Prospect List: Ongoing weekly buildout (1k-2k monthly)
• Month 1 Review

"What will Month 2 and beyond look like?"

A Fractional VP Sales we respect calls a successful outbound sales system one that uses…


As you complete Month 1, our focus will remain clear on these 5 monthly goals:
1. Start conversations
2. Book meetings with interested prospects
3. Activate interested prospects not ready to meet for lead nurturing
4. Ensure persistent follow-up with interested prospects not ready to meet
5. Ongoing Untapped Prospect List Refueling & Copy A/B testing

We have absolute control over the following actions we’ll perform for you:
1,000 - 2,000 Decision-Makers contacted monthly
• Ongoing Untapped Prospect List Refueling & Copy A/B Testing
• 300+ prospect touches daily Monday through Friday (excludes Holidays)

Our *Target Monthly Meetings Booked is 5 - 25, but we do not have absolute control over the volume of meetings booked on any given month.

We provide this accurate approximation based on 40+ B2B agency and service business clients we’ve worked with.

And we will relentlessly aim to deliver this accurate approximation to you monthly.

To further establish healthy expectations:
0 - 5 meetings in a month: below average
5 - 12 meetings in a month: average to great
12- 25 meetings in a month: excellent

Cold outreach is challenging and experimental in its nature—contacting ideal prospects that you’ve never had a prior interaction with is considered (by consensus) the toughest stage of the sales cycle. 

It would not be called cold outreach if it was warm and cozy, but…

Cold outreach empowers you to break the ice and spark interest with high-ticket clients you likely would not meet in any other way.

In Month 2 and beyond we will be pursuing perpetual improvement and management of The Cold Outreach Subscription™.

Our main levers for perpetual improvement:
• Untapped Prospect Lists: Strategy & Refueling
• Phone & Email Copy: Ongoing A/B Testing
• Bold Action: Calling & Emailing Your List Daily
• Persistent Follow-Up: Lead Nurturing & Qualification
• Monthly Reviews: Strategy Updates, New Markets, etc.

"Any suggestions you have to give us the best chance at success?"

Yes—these are some worth mentioning now:

Targeting untapped prospects that look very similar to your buyers in the last 18-36 months

2. Targeting untapped prospects that are geographically located in 1 or more states

3. Targeting only industries you already have case studies for

4. Targeting no more than two industries at one time

5. Reaching out to prospects with a proven offer that clients are already purchasing from you

6. Reaching out to prospects with something of value for free to start the conversation (ideal—but optional)

7. Making sure the person we’re booking meetings for (yourself or a colleague) is the person you believe has the highest closing ratio on your team

8. Be willing to send async voice notes in Telegram and Looms to each other to save time from unnecessary meetings

9. Be willing to have 15-30 minute update calls on Google Meet at least once a month (preferably bi-weekly)

10. Be willing to provide any feedback constructively to keep our communication upbeat, positive, and solution-oriented

11. Be willing to trust the process

12. Know that we will relentlessly pursue delivering you exceptional results to earn your business for the long haul

"What do I need to do to get started?"

Go ahead and book a chat with us below at a time that works best for you.

We’ll talk about your goals and challenges and see if there is a fit to make The Cold Outreach Subscription™ a hassle-free profit vehicle for your business.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Ready To Start?
Still Have Questions?
Book a Chat Now.

About the JRMs

We are a lean husband & wife team serving USA clients nationwide from Lafayette, LA, with fluent English-speaking contractors in Ukraine.

Joseph R. Maldonado headshot
Joseph R. Maldonado
Founder | Cold Outreach Consultant
Jacquie R. Maldonado headshot
Jacquie R. Maldonado
Executive Assistant

Alight Kinship is a certified Kingdom business with a mandate to bring multiplication to the marketplace—all glory to God!

Matthew 6:33 KJV

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Romans 1:16 KJV

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Power-Up Your Outbound Sales With Alight Kinship